Friday, April 6, 2007

The Stalin Monologues, Episode 5: TaterHead the Senator

Josef Stalin was a brutal, oppressive dictator who usurped the socialist revolution in Russia to found a regime based on a cult of personality. His purges were legendary, estimated to have killed more people than Hitler's genocidal treatment of the Jews. He was also a country bumpkin, a Georgian brute with little in his past to indicate any significant leadership qualities. The Stalin Monologues is a series of satirical machinima about the man behind the monster and the comedy behind the tragedy. Episode 5: TaterHead the Senator is a wacky interpretation of what Stalin must have thought of the McCarthy trials.

McCarthyism was a stain upon the history of the United States, a crime for which McCarthy suffered nothing more than censure from Congress. His witchhunts destroyed people's lives, all in the pursuit of a phantom enemy, an enemy that might have been better off for the paranoia he engendered in the American people. Perhaps had he tried to understand the enemy as a human being rather than condemning an entire political system because of the twisted interpretation of that political system by a meglomaniac, the Cold War would not have lasted nearly as long. Enjoy!
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Episode 4: Collectivized Closets

Josef Stalin goes on a tour of the proletariat's closets, teaching an elderly farming couple about the wonders of collectivization, surveillance and counter-revolution. The episode is available after the bump.

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Episode 3: What Intelligence?

Josef Stalin returns to dispel the myths about his government. Big Joe disputes the lie that he bullied his subordinates into ignoring evidence of Hitler's impending attack, the strength of opposition in Finland, or the progress of World War II. The episode is available after the bump.

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Episode 2: Sausage Grinder

Big Joe Stalin sets the record straight about his authoritarian regime. Stalin isn't just some Hitler clone, or some anti-Semitic fascist, he's a Stalinist! He kills indiscriminately, like a real authoritarian would.

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Episode 1: Meet Big Joe

Josef Stalin, the bloodthirsty dictator of the USSR, talks about the trials and tribulations of running a dictatorship in this satirical examination of one of the monsters of our time. Watch the episode after the bump.

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